workshop calculation and science iti syllabus 2020 -2021
आप भी आईटीआई कर रहे है और आईटीआई के इलेक्ट्रिकल ग्रुप से जुडी ट्रेड से है जैसे – इलेक्ट्रीशियन , इलेक्ट्रोप्लेटर, लिफ्ट मैकेनिक, लिफ्ट एंड इस्केलेटर मैकेनिक तो यह यहाँ हम आपके लिए workshop calculation and science iti syllabus 2020 लेकर आये है |
परीक्षा में उच्च अंको को प्राप्त करने के लिए एक नियमित समय सारणी के साथ एक निर्धारित अनुक्रमणिका युक्त पाठ्यक्रम होना अनिवार्य है | इसीलिए हम आपके लिए DGT NSQF Level V के नवीनतम वार्षिक परीक्षा पध्दति के अनुसार तैयार सिलेबस को आपको बताने जा रहे है |
![Workshop Calculation And Science ITI Syllabus Workshop Calculation And Science ITI Syllabus](
workshop calculation and science iti syllabus first year 2020 Exam
इलेक्ट्रीशियन प्रथम वर्ष workshop calculation and science WCS iti syllabus में आपको इन चेप्टर को पढना होता है –
- इकाइयाँ ( Unit )
- भिन्न ( fractions )
- वर्गमूल ( Square Root )
- अनुपात और समानुपात ( Ratio & Proportion )
- प्रतिशत ( Percentage )
- बीजगणित ( Algebra )
- ज्यामिति ( Mensuration )
- त्रिकोणमिति ( Trigonometry )
- पदार्थ विज्ञानं ( Materials Science )
- द्रव्यमान, भार और घनत्व ( Mass, Weight and Density )
- चाल और वेग ( Speed and Velocity )
- कार्य, शक्ति और उर्जा ( Work, Power and Energy )
- ऊष्मा और तापमान ( Heat and Temperature )
- विद्युत् ( Basic Electricity )
- उतोलक एवं सरल मशीन ( Levers and Simple Machines )
workshop calculation and science iti syllabus Second year 2020 Exam
इलेक्ट्रीशियन द्वितीय वर्ष workshop calculation and science WCS iti syllabus में आपको इन चेप्टर को पढना होता है –
- लाभ, हानि और ब्याज ( Profit, Loss and Interest )
- घातांक ( Indices )
- अनुमान एवं लागत ( Estimating and Costing )
- प्रत्यास्थता ( Elasticity )
- बल ( Force )
- घर्षण ( Friction )
- दबाव ( Pressure )
- गुरुत्व केंद्र ( Center of Gravity )
- पदार्थ ( Material )
- चुम्बकत्व एवं चुम्बक ( Magnetism & Magnets)
- साधारण ए.सी. सर्किट ( Simple AC Circuit )
- ए.सी. वेवफोर्म गणना ( AC Waveform Calculation )
- इलेक्ट्रिकल एवं इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स अवयवों के श्रेणी एवं समान्तर क्रम संयोजन ( Series and parallel connection of Electrical and Electronics Components )
- संख्या पध्दति ( Number System )
DGT ( NCVT ) NSQF Level V Workshop Calculation and Science Syllabus
उपर बताये गये सभी अध्याय DGT के पाठ्यक्रम अनुसार व्यवस्थित किये गये है | DGT का सिलेबस हम आपको निचे बताये है –
First Year Syllabus For Workshop Calculation & Science
Unit: Systems of unit- FPS, CGS, MKS/SI unit, unit of length, Mass and time, Conversion of units
Fractions : Fractions, Decimal fraction, L.C.M., H.C.F., Multiplication and Division of Fractions and Decimals, conversion
of Fraction to Decimal and vice versa. Simple problems using Scientific Calculator
Square Root : Square and Square Root, method of finding out square roots, Simple problem using calculator.
Ratio & Proportion : Simple calculation on related problems. Percentage : Introduction, Simple calculation. Changing percentage to decimal and fraction and vice versa.
Material Science : properties -Physical & Mechanical, Types -Ferrous & Non-Ferrous, difference be tween Ferrous and Non-Ferrous metals, introduction of Iron, Cast Iron, Wrought Iron, Steel, differ ence between Iron and Steel, Alloy steel, carbon steel, stainless steel, Non-Ferrous metals, Non-Ferrous Alloys.
Mass Weight and Density : Mass, Unit of Mass, Weight, difference between mass and weight, Den si, unit of density, specific gravity of metals.
Speed and Velocity: Rest and motion, speed, velocity, difference between speed and velocity, accel eration, retardation, equations of motions, simple related problems.
Work, Power and Energy: work, unit of work, power, unit of power, Horse power of engines, me mechanical efficiency, energy, use of energy, potential and kinetic energy, examples of potential energyand kinetic energy.
Algebra : Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Algebraic formula, Linear equations (with two variables).
Mensuration : Area and perimeter of square, rectangle, parallelogram, triangle, circle, semi circle, Volume of solids – cube, cuboid, cylinder and Sphere. Surface area of solids – cube, cuboid, cylinder and Sphere.
Trigonometry: Trigonometrical ratios, measurement of angles. Trigonometric tables Heat & Temperature: Heat and temperature, their units, difference between heat and temperature ture, boiling point, melting point, scale of temperature, relation between different scale of tem perature, Thermometer, pyrometer, transmission of heat, conduction, convection, radiation.
Basic Electricity: Introduction, use of electricity, how electricity is
produced, Types of current AC, DC, their comparison, voltage, resistance, heir units. Conductor, insulator, Types of connections – series, parallel, electric power, Horse power, energy, unit of electrical energy.
Levers and Simple Machines: levers and its types. Simple Machines, Effort and Load, Mechanical Advantage, Velocity Ratio, Efficiency of machine, Relationship between Efficiency, velocity ratio and Mechanical Advantage.
Second Year Syllabus For Workshop Calculation & Science
Elasticity: Stress, strain, Modulus of elasticity, elastic limit Hooke’s
law, young’s modulus.
Material: Introduction, types and properties. Uses of Conducting,
Semiconducting and insulating materials.
Magnetism: Magnetic material, magnetic field, flux density, magnetic moment, m.m.t. Reluctance permeability, susceptibility, electromagnet, solenoid and its practical applications.
Pressure:- Pneumatic pressure, PSI, bar, atmospheric pressure, pressure gauge and absolute pressure. sure, Heat treatment process
Indices: Laws of indices related problems.
Quadratic Equation: Introduction, solution of simple Quadratic equation and related Solution of simple A.C. circuit with R.L.C. Calculation of power factor etc.
A.C Waveform Calculation: Calculation of r.m.s, average, instantaneous value, peak value. Peak to peak value, Frequency and wavelength calculation and their relationship
Series And Parallel Connection of Electrical and Electronic components:
1. Calculation Series and parallel connection of Resistors.
2. Calculation Series and parallel connection of Capacitors.
3. Calculation Series and parallel connection of Inductors.
4. Calculation Series and parallel connection of Batteries.
Conversion of power flow to H.P., Calculation of KVA.
Friction: – Laws of friction, coefficient of friction, angle of friction, simple problems related to friction.Lubrication
Concept on terms like pressure, atmospheric pressure, gauge pressure.
Heat treatment necessity difference methods.
Forces: – Resolution and composition of forces. Representation of force by vectors, simple problems on lifting tackles like jib wall, crane-Solution of problems with the aid of vectors.
General condition of equilibrium for series of forces on a body. Law of parallelogram, Triangle Law, Lami’s theorem.
Centre of gravity:- Centre of gravity concept and C.G. of different lamina.
Equilibrium different kinds stable, unstable and neutral. Law of parallelogram force. Triangle law, Lami’s theorem unstable and neutral equilibrium. stable,
Number system:- decimal and binary, Octal Hexadecimal. BCD code, conversion from decimal to binary and vice-versa, all other conversions. Practice on conversions.
Estimation & costing:-Simple estimation of the requirement of materials etc. as applicable to the trade. Problems on estimation and costing.
Further Mensuration:- Volumes of frustums including conical frustums.
Graph-Basics, abscissa, co-ordinates etc.
Y = mx and Y= mx + c graph
Simple Problems on Profit & Loss. Simple and compound interest.
Final Word :-
तो यहाँ आपने पढ़ा Workshop Calculation And Science ITI Syllabus 2020 – 2021 | उम्मीद करते है आपको यह सिलेबस जरुर पसंद आया होगा | कृपया इस सिलेबस को अपने साथियों के साथ जरुर शेयर करे और हमारे नये पोस्ट की अपडेट जानने के लिए हमें सोशल मीडिया पर फॉलो करे |